2017 Predictions – Climate Changes

Our earth is a very delicate investment and climate change is an important topic recently.  We as the inhabitors of our beautiful planet need to be aware of the changes in our environment, and how we are actually changing the climate with all the things we do each day, not realizing the impact it truly has on the ground we walk on and the air we breathe. Our children and generations will suffer for all the harm we are truly causing. Today I am taking a look at the Witches Tarot and Climate Changes for 2017.


cups-worldThe Page of Cups, indicating our youth and our water reserves. I feel that there will be many more young adults and teens taking another look at “Acid Rain” where as the pollution enters our rivers and lakes and ultimately our oceans via precipitation. More youth will be headed into the direction of biology and marine life and how pollution is killing the species and their habitats and making water unsafe for human consumption.

The World card, how fitting for this topic, however what strikes me are the animals upon the card and one young man who seems to rise up and be their voice. He is blonde and is an activist, in his 20s or early 30s and I feel he comes from Australia or that part of our planet, and he will become headline news for the work and awareness he will bring to the governments and leading authorities on how the changing climate and extreme weather patterns partly due to human activities needs to be recognized and endangered species need to be cared about more so as they are on the brink of extinction.

sun-pentaclesThe 5 of pentacles, in this card shows such cold, snow, ice and a barren tree and land. I feel that the winter months of 2017 will be harsh and colder then normal. Snow will be seen in places that never had snow before. Normally warm and temperate locations will experience ice and plants will freeze and it will impact the crops this spring/summer. I feel blooms upon our trees will be damaged due to unseasonably cold temperatures which will bring the cost of fruit and produce even more expensive then it already is. I feel that it may get warm and spring may seem like it has arrived but then up to 5 weeks of cold may cause havoc for many in not just North America but other parts of the world where farming is their main industry.

Another interesting card to show up for a Climate Change reading, the Sun which is the 19th Major arcana. I just predicted cold and snow for well into the first 5 months of the new year and then it seems that the switch will flip and the sun will shine very hot for many, droughts and heatwaves will then sweep across the nation, it will be from one extreme to the next which will impact children the elderly and animals. While many of us sun worshipers will enjoy the change from the cold spring into a hot summer, it will further ruin farmer’s crops, and the lack of rain will then make matters worse.

karmaLastly the Karma Card! We need to realize that cycles and change have to be respected and that everything does happen for a reason.  We need to come to realizations that our climate is changing and instead of ignoring the changes we are experiencing, be aware of them, and then work together as a community to figure out why its happening and how to prevent more damage being done.  We need to also realize that important decisions need to be made about the state our planet is in, that the climate and weather is being changed in part by our actions, but also in part be nature, by the universe and by karma. The destiny of our children is shaped by the actions we take today. But remember karma always has its way. Making positive changes, being green, using less carbon, going off the grid and being self sustaining, will do your part to help mother earth.

jennMany blessings to you and yours for 2017. ~Jenn

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One thought on “2017 Predictions – Climate Changes”

  1. Wow these beautiful cards really told the story! This is a very important message – I hope you are right about the young activists! We really need their fresh minds and ideas to help combat climate change! Thanks Jenn!

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