YEP – It Is December and its time to sit back for a moment and get some insight into the month ahead, and all the fun and chaos of the Holidays! Today Hazel gives us a Pick a Pile Reading, choose #1 or #2 Pile of Cards and then Read Below your Guidance for the next few weeks!
Choice #1 The Queen of Pentacles and 7 of Cups

The Queen of Pentacles implies that this person on an unconscious level practices practicality. Do what is needed is make an informed decision with this card combination. No more, no less. In love, try searching online for love or create more choices in a way you feel is practical and creates a feeling of security. Explore your options, and put your ideas into motion. Stop daydreaming about the perfect love, and attract him or her to you in a mature and practical way. In career, you may feel bored with your current job, and need more choices or you may not know exactly what it is you want to do with your career path. Use the aspects of the Queen of Pentacles in order to make a decision to stay or go from your current position and to find direction in your career path. A career choice in medicine is a good choice for this Queen, as she is naturally nurturing, loving, and warm at heart.
Choice #2 The 3 of Swords and the Page of Cups

Letting go of past heartaches or even a recent heartache will lead to someone that is more sensitive to your needs. There is sure to be a more gentle love coming to you after a loss, or disappointment in a past lover. The Page of cups denotes a younger person with a gentle nature entering your life. They are creative and love to make things, sing, and write. They bring a message of love, intuition, and creativity after a harsh breakup. This is a good omen that can represent the possibility of romantic proposals, engagements, or marriages. It can suggest that you need to be more romantic and be willing to open your heart, even after disappointment.

Hazel is available daily at Psychic Vision App for Live Chat and Video Readings. www.psychicvisionapp.com
She is also available at our sister site Psychictxt