Meet Aeson Knight This Weeks Featured Advisor

aesonAeson Knight is a world renown intuitive advisor who not only works with Tarot but is a psychic, clairvoyant and works with angels as well. He has been reading for over 26 years however professionally for 19 years. Aeson explains that it all began with his grandmother. “My grandmother was my mentor. She recorded my first abilities showing at age three but I really did not begin studying the tarot until age 7, when I begin focusing on my psychic abilities, and control them more.

I first began by drawing each tarot card and finding the symbols within the cards meaning and then I progressed with the reading and focusing on them in combinations with each other in different placements.” Aeson says that reading tarot and these abilities were always welcome in his family as it was done openly by his grandmother and when he began it was accepted as well. He says his grandmother used to have “Tarot Tea Parties”.

Aeson holds many degrees and certifications from the Universal Life Church, where he is an ordained minister. He also holds a Master Tarot Reader Degree, he is a registered and certified Tarot Reader and Psychic, Clairvoyant and a Reiki Master who also practices Kolaimni. Aeson states, “being a spiritualist has helped me to understand that in life we all walk the same path; some carry more on their back pack than others but at the end we all reach the same destination.”

He says he does this work to help people along their path and to help them understand where they are headed and that they are not a true victim of life, but a captain of their own ship.”
“Looking back over the past 19 years of reading I have to say I read on everything for boyfriends and girl problems to things that should have been on TV! What I love about reading is that when a client sits down stressed and overwhelmed and without direction and then the tarot is able to lay it out from start to finish and give them clear understanding “ Aeson provides clear answers, and shares what the cards have to say and nothing more. He is non judgmental, as he fells that “it is your life, I do not control you but I can give you all the choices and a clear path to follow. “ Aeson uses a spread his grandmother designed called the Rose spread that gives him direct information and also shows how things are corrected in the clients life and their choices. With this spread he can give you a time frame but understand that it is estimated, some time clients move slower then cards think they will.

Aeson is here to help you have the best life you desire but he is not a story teller to give you false hope but rather clear answers to your worries and concerns.

2 thoughts on “Meet Aeson Knight This Weeks Featured Advisor”

    1. Hi Carolann, Please download our app and you can speak with Aeson or any one of our Tarot Readers as they can help you with your questions! Download our app free today for iOs. Thanks for using My Tarot Advisor!

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