October 2017 TarotScopes

Aries  Ace of Wands Rx – The headstrong Aries could find their motivation dwindling this coming month of October. Instead of feeling the pull towards a project or goal, they find themselves a little lackluster with their situation. It’s ok to take some steps back and focus on self care!

Taurus  The Star- Where things have gone awry lately, there is now peace and hope, a “star” shining through the dark night. Likely for the Taurus, this means real potential in the world of love and careers. Don’t let the past hold you, focus on the potential for more that’s just around the corner!

Gemini – Queen of Cups Rx – Be careful this month in focusing too much on depending on others. It’s a hidden Gemini trait that they often push away those that mean the most to them. This insecurity is going to rear its head this month, and the only way through the fear is to acknowledge it.

Cancer – 8 of Cups Rx – There’s much left unknown for the Cancer this month, as the seasons of life bring changes. Cancer’s love stability especially in relationships, and even slight disturbances can leave them uncertain. Don’t let your anxieties control your thoughts, and instead focus on what you have to offer for the situation.

Leo – 8 of Cups – The lion zodiac is moving away from a situation that’s no longer serving their highest interests, this month. Instead of continuing to waste their fires on a situation that’s not moving, be ready to take a deep breathe, and let it go. Sometimes the best thing we can do is just to walk away, and October shows this energy needed, especially over piece of the past that are holding a dark place in your mind still.

Virgo – 5 of Wands Rx – There’s an introverted side to Virgo that’s coming out this month, and instead of facing something head on, this sign will be side stepping painful confrontations, and avoiding conflict. While holding respect for differences is a praise worthy trait, often it can work against your favor to bottle up whatever is troubling you.

Libra – King of Cups Rx – Calm and collected Libras might find themselves a little unsteady this month. Their buttons could be easier to push, or the stress of life is just becoming too heavy to keep balancing. Take a load off, and step back for some alone time to see what your emotions stem from, before taking them out inadvertently on others.

Scorpio –  Ace of Pentacles – New options are opening themselves this month for the Scorpio, and with it are potentials and opportunities. Life is like a pathway, and this is where you will find the metaphorical forks in the road. The new opportunity will be in your best favor, but is still up to you to decide to take the leap and try that something new that’s calling.

Sagittarius – The Chariot – It’s been a hard journey, but your willpower and dedication is pushing you forward in the direction you want to go. To keep this progress moving, you’ll have to continue to take control and be your own advocate in your pursuits and dreams. Taking the back seat is no longer the option.

Capricorn – Justice – Clarity, truth, and a rightness is what will push through for the Capricorn this month. Whether this is a battle that’s going to settle that you’ve been pushing for, or just a mental state you’ve needed some real direction on. Prepare for the lightbulbs to go off, and things to settle into place this month.

Aquarius – The Empress – There’s a nurturing side to the Aquarius this month, and usually this represents motherhood and fertility as well. If striving for a child, chances are high for the Aquarius to conceive this month. If not, then you’ll have a growing kinship and closeness to those you hold closest!

Pisces –  4 of Wands Rx – This month holds some distance from close relationships, be it family or lovers. There’s instability, and conflict between you that isn’t going to be easily settled. Be sure to step back, and let your thoughts rule before your emotions harm things further!

Tarotscopes presented by Fern, exclusive for My Tarot Advisor.



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