Soulmates: What It Means To Me

To me, soulmates are love at first sight. Someone who makes you feel wonderful.  They Know when you are down and how to make you feel better. Their kiss makes the wait worth it. Their kiss makes you feel like you can do anything together. It’s that soaring type of sensation you get. Feeling that you can do anything together.

When you have your other half, you feel complete. You almost ache when they are not around. Now with me and my soulmate, we feel grounded when around each other. We feel more balanced, like our energy is through the roof. Plus when we do not have each other for a while, we get cranky! His energy level drops a lot, until we are back by each others side.

Everything just feels right when you are together. Like nothing can go wrong, There, being in each others arms, you feel comfort, security and warmth. And that to me, s a soulmate.

What is a soulmate to you? Share your thoughts in the comments below or come speak with me at My Tarot Advisor for a love and soulmate reading!  ~Megan

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