TarotScopes for November 2017

Aries  King of Pentacles Rx – Aries love to be on top, especially when it comes to their financial and job pursuits. Be careful not to let progress go to your head, and staying humble can make you more enjoyable to be around!

Taurus  The Sun – Things are looking up this month for the sturdy Taurus, take it as a time of celebration. Enjoy the blessings life has given all around you, and bask in those moments, no matter how small they might seem. We all need to fill up our gratitude bank sometimes.

Gemini – 7 of Cups Rx – Be cautious about tempting offers and things that might seem a little too good to be true. Whether this is a scenario of dating, and they have ‘all the right features’, or if it’s a business move that seems to really be tantalizing you. Remember this month that not all that glitters is gold, and the Gemini is easy to shift when they see a new shiny opportunity.

Cancer – Page of Cups – This month is going to be one that surprises the Cancerian man or woman, but in a good way. Be prepared to lighten up, and just enjoy what twist fate has brought. They wont always be this delightful! 

Leo – 5 of Cups – There’s an air of loss and looking back this month with the lion sign. What was dreamed of did not come to fruition, or grief has grabbed you. Remember that looking back is not bad, but staying stuck in that moment will have the world moving on without you. Take the time to process your past.

Virgo – Hermit Rx – Virgo’s have had a hard time lately, and going within may seem the easiest escape route. But remember, you can get lost in your own inner maze just as easily as you can outside. Don’t retreat so much that you have isolated yourself, and aren’t sure how to get back to normal. The Virgo is very well associated with the Hermit architype, but there are downfalls to this as well.

Libra – Knight of Pentacles – Efficiency is the name of the game this month. So you’ve got some goals, and you’re ready to get to them? The energy of the Universe is ready to assist you, if you only ask! Try to make a new routine for yourself, to get into the flow of progress.

Scorpio – 10 of Pentacles Rx – “Shoot for the moon, and if you miss, you’ll land among the stars.” Is how the saying goes. But what they don’t mention is that the stars are also millions of light years apart, and now you’re drifting in outer space with no solid ground. This is a metaphor for what this month is going to feel like. Like the earth has been yanked out from under you. Stability takes time to regain, and you may have to step back from the world in order to navigate through this one.

Sagittarius – The Moon – Follow your intuition, it will not lead your astray. Right now you’re navigating dark waters, and aren’t sure which way to go. Look up, but mostly, look inside. The moon won’t light up the whole ocean for you, but it will light the way to your heart. Fear not the darkness, and trust.

Capricorn – Justice Rx – Life won’t always be fair, Capricorn. Often times it may seem like you’ve gotten the short end of the stick, be it in court, in love, or in distribution of work. The nice thing though is that you are innovative! Take that drive and talent and push forward. Swing your ram horns if you must, but nothing can keep you down but your own thoughts.

Aquarius – 8 of Swords – This month might have you feeling trapped or in a bind with no real way out. Persecuted, alone, or powerless. The good news is, you are never powerless. Often Aquarius can be too out of touch, not grounded, and a lot of their restraints are just perceived in their mind. Ground yourself today, and look again. How can I change my situation? What can I leave or walk away from that’s holding me back?

Pisces –  King of Swords RxCareful that you don’t harm others in your quest for being right. This is a time where you may be in the right, but by using it against others, you harm everyone. Think of a relationship where you may be over critical of the other person, when there’s really an opportunity to give grace.

TarotScopes presented by Fern – available at PsychicTxt for personal psychic readings!

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