It’s The New Moon – July 2019

Like with everything that’s new: job, car, year, moon and relationship, we all become determined to make it better than ever before and not make the same mistakes. We see

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Let’s Talk Tarot

There are four suits to the Tarot.  Let me break it down for you simply. PENTACLES, coins or disk are associated with  earth and may represent the season of Autumn.

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My Take On Soulmates and Twinflames

Everyone seems to want a soulmate or a twinflame, but not everyone knows the true definition of having either of these within your energy. Do they exists? Yes, I believe

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All About Chakras!

Hello! My name is Tiffany, I wanted to talk to everyone today about chakras!! A lot of people don’t know how important your chakras can really indicate how others see/view

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It’s The New Moon!

The Moon has not only captivated mankind since recorded history but also has a tremendous affect on our bodies (think of the Moon operating in a 28 day cycle as

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Special Valentines Day Offer

Here is How To Order Your Special Valentines Day Reading. 1 – Locate one of our readers with the  hearts  on their photo. Open their Profile. 2 – Read their Special

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February 2019 TarotScopes

Aries – The Lovers Rx – The month looks like it’s disconnected in some ways for the Aries. It may be that your “valentine” hasn’t shown up yet, or you’re

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How Our Deceased Ones Connect With Us

During my professional life as a psychic, people have asked me several times how to connect with their deceased loved ones, or how they connect with us. I should tell

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We Get to Define Our Experiences and Decide What We Take from Them

“When something bad happens you have three choices. You can let it define you, let it destroy you, or you can let it strengthen you.” ~Unknown  It’s massively important how

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2019 TarotScopes

Aries – Seven of Swords – The coming year ahead for Aries shows a conflict with ambitions and your morals. Which to you, is more important? The universe plans to

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